Olive Logo Ideas

Explore a variety of creative Olive logo ideas for your business. Find inspiration from real company logos and get the perfect design for your brand. Enhance your brand identity with unique Olive logos.

The Greenbook Directory logo features a stylized, abstract cube comprised of various geometric shapes in a puzzle-like arrangement, conveying a sense of depth and interconnectedness. It incorporates a palette of muted colors including shades of dark blue, light blue, teal, green, olive, grey, and a touch of beige, which together create a modern and sophisticated aesthetic. The clean lines and the absence of any text suggest a focus on visual identity and branding. The use of whitespace and the arrangement of the shapes give the logo an airy and balanced composition, which denotes professionalism.
This logo features a bold, lowercase 'p' in a vibrant shade of turquoise. To the left of the 'p', there are five squares of varying sizes, creating a cascading effect from the upper right to the lower left. These squares are colored in shades of gray, lime green, olive green, orange, and dark green, starting from the top. The overall design is modern and playful, with a clean, sans-serif font and a flat graphic style. The squares give a sense of movement or digital pixelation, possibly hinting at technology or data. The Logo or equivalent is for Pixelpoems.
The UW Sustainability logo features a stylized design with two chevron-shaped elements pointing in opposite directions (up and down), signifying movement or progress. The upper chevron is a soft, sky blue, while the lower one is olive green, providing a grounded, earthy contrast. The overall aesthetic is modern and simple, favoring minimalism and clean lines with no additional embellishments.
The Adera Foundation logo features a stylized, geometric representation of a house or roofline. The bold olive green color (#808000) symbolizes growth, renewal, and stability. Its modern and minimalistic design is easily scalable for various uses. The central peak is flanked by two symmetrically sloping sides, evoking a sense of shelter and security. Additionally, the negative space beneath the shapes forms a hidden 'A' in the center, adding a layer of visual interest.
Selarator's logo features a stylized, abstract geometric design consisting of two overlapping rhombus shapes. The top rhombus is colored in a vibrant yellow, while the bottom one is a shade of olive green. The use of bright, contrasting colors gives the logo a dynamic and modern feel. The simplicity and the boldness of the shapes used in this design make it versatile and easily recognizable. The logo's clean lines and uncluttered aesthetic suggest a sense of innovation and efficiency.