Asymmetrical Logo Examples

Explore a variety of asymmetrical logo examples from real companies. Find inspiration for your brand's unique and dynamic identity.

The image features an abstract, minimalist logo consisting of two dark teal or deep sea green asymmetrical shapes that resemble stylized leaves or wings. The larger shape is on the left side, pointing upwards with a smooth, flowing curve, while the smaller one on the right side complements it with a similar but more subdued form. The Vively logo exudes a sense of natural elegance and dynamic balance. Its simplicity allows for versatile use across various mediums, and the organic forms suggest growth, movement, or sustainability themes. The color is sophisticated and could imply an eco-friendly or high-end branding strategy.
The Tirsan logo features a stylized geometric bird in flight, composed of three flat shapes. The bird’s body and wings are depicted by a large red triangle on the bottom right, symbolizing motion or advancement. Above this, a smaller blue triangle forms what appears to be the bird’s head, adding a sense of direction or focus. The use of red suggests energy or passion, while the blue adds a professional or trustful quality. The overall design is modern, minimalistic, and dynamic, likely representing freedom, speed, and precision. The shapes are arranged asymmetrically, giving the impression of upward movement or taking off.
The Croots logo is a circular botanical motif with black curvilinear elements resembling foliage, swirls, and stars. The central void forms an asymmetrical, round negative space, giving the impression of a crescent moon cradled within flourishing vines. The aesthetic is whimsical and elegant, suggesting growth and fantasy. Due to the intricate and delicate nature of the design, a subtle background would complement it well.
The CoinDesk logo features an abstract, asymmetrical design with rounded shapes resembling a stylized letter "R." Its bright golden-yellow color exudes warmth and energy, contributing to an organic and modern aesthetic. The logo has four detached elements that could symbolize motion or elements orbiting the main figure. A light and neutral background color would complement the vibrant yellow without overpowering it.
The Lucid logo features a stylized letter 'L' broken into two geometric parts: a vertical rectangle on the left and a shorter rectangle at the bottom right, creating a sense of asymmetry. Both shapes are filled with a dark color, possibly black or a very dark grey, contributing to a bold and contemporary look. The clean lines and sharp angles exude a modern and minimalist aesthetic. Due to the simplicity and neutrality of the logo, many background colors could complement it, but a light and subtle color would maintain its sleekness without overshadowing it.