Handshake Logo Ideas

Find diverse handshake logo examples for your business at our site. Get inspired by real company logos showcasing unique handshake designs. Elevate your brand with handshake logo inspiration.

The Royal College of Nursing logo features a stylized handshake with a deep blue hand on the left and a red hand on the right. Both hands are outlined in white to enhance contrast and ensure the design stands out. The simplified silhouette and well-defined fingers make the handshake gesture instantly recognizable. The overall design is clean, modern, and uses a bold color scheme that communicates trust, strength, and connectivity. Given the colors used, a background that does not compete with the integrity of the logo is ideal.
The Data Donors logo features a stylized depiction of a handshake, signifying partnership or agreement, set against a rounded backdrop. The handshake is comprised of a white, simplistic hand design on the left merging with a series of horizontal lines on the right, implying motion or the other hand in the handshake. The logo employs a striking, solid purple color that suggests creativity and originality. The overall design aesthetic is modern and minimalist with clean lines and a friendly, approachable feel.