Peak Logo Examples

Find inspiring peak logo examples for your business. Explore a variety of peak logo designs from real companies for your branding needs.

The WCS logo features a stylized 'W' shape comprised of three overlapping, rounded peaks, each with a distinct gradient. The left peak gradient flows from teal to a dark forest green, the middle transitions from the same forest green to a more moderate olive green, and the right peak morphs from olive green into a muted blue. The aesthetic is modern and minimalist, with clean lines and the use of gradient colors adding depth and movement to the design. The logo conveys a sense of dynamism and interconnectedness through its overlapping elements.
The logo presented here for Armstrong Bank is a stylized letter "A" composed of two right-angled triangles joined at a single point to form a distinctive peak, reminiscent of a stylized mountain or roof. The triangle on the left is a deep navy blue (#000080) color, while the one on the right is split into two shades of red - a darker tone on the outer part and a lighter one on the inner part. The design is simple, modern, and geometric with a strong emphasis on negative space that creates the letterform. This logo has a professional and clean look, conveying stability and strength.