Whimsical Logo Ideas

Find whimsical logo inspiration from real company logos. Browse through a variety of whimsical logo examples to spark creativity for your own brand.

The Croots logo is a circular botanical motif with black curvilinear elements resembling foliage, swirls, and stars. The central void forms an asymmetrical, round negative space, giving the impression of a crescent moon cradled within flourishing vines. The aesthetic is whimsical and elegant, suggesting growth and fantasy. Due to the intricate and delicate nature of the design, a subtle background would complement it well.
The Braum’s logo presents a stylized, royal blue "B" with a classic serif typeface. A whimsically detailed ice cream cone is integrated within the letter, tilted to fit its form. The cone is depicted with a crisscross waffle pattern in shades of orange and beige, with a vibrant pink scoop of ice cream on top, creating a playful contrast. The overall design effectively combines a formal font with a fun graphic element, creating a visually interesting and inviting image.