The Betonbau logo features a stylized representation of a spiral or labyrinth shape, created using right angles. It is composed of three identical, squared-off, U-shaped elements that decrease in size and are nested within each other, creating a sense of depth and intricacy. The entire design is rendered in a solid, bold red color, which communicates a sense of energy, passion, or intensity. The design is modern, minimalist, and geometric, with a clean and uncluttered look that would easily stand out for its simplicity and symbolism. The logo could represent complexity, thinking processes, or problem-solving due to its maze-like appearance. Considering the potency of the red against a moderated backdrop, a soft neutral hue that doesn't compete with the vibrance of the logo would be fitting.
Betonbau specializes in technical buildings with modular structures that can function independently or as part of a system. Their products are designed to meet a variety of technical building needs.