Cloud Services Logo Examples
Find top Cloud Services logo examples to inspire your brand. Explore a variety of real company logos for Cloud Services, curated to fuel your logo design creativity.
The Kadoo logo is a simplistic and modern design that consists of a symmetrical, abstract figure resembling a clover or a cross with rounded edges. It features four leaves or petals, each with a different color: green, blue, darker blue, and light blue, all with flat tones. The design gives off a feeling of balance and unity, with its smooth curves and junction at the center indicating connectivity or interaction. Given its clean lines and use of negative space, the logo exudes a contemporary feel that is versatile for various branding purposes.
The Anchnet logo showcases a bold, stylized letter 'A' in white, set against a circular red backdrop. The 'A' is formed by three white segments, with the central segment extending above the top boundary of the circle, creating a dynamic effect. The circle is bisected by a white curved band, giving the impression of a horizon or a globe, and suggesting expansiveness. The letter's design is modern, with the use of negative space inviting a sense of sophistication and simplicity. The color palette is minimal, yet striking, with the contrast between red and white making the logo stand out.
The Elastx logo showcases a stylized letter 'C' in a modern sans-serif typeface with rounded corners for a friendly look. The vibrant orange color exudes energy while the soothing aqua blue within the 'C' forms an abstract shape with gradient shading for a contemporary appeal. The logo strikes a balance between simplicity and visual interest, making it ideal for a company that values innovation and connection.
The Artisan Infrastructure logo exhibits a stylized letter "A" with a modern and minimalistic design aesthetic. Comprised of three orange lines with varying degrees of curvature, they converge to form a peak at the top, resembling a simplified mountain or an abstract representation of the letter. The middle line draws the eye upwards with a gentle flow, while the outer lines give the structure its triangular shape. The logo's vibrant color and simplicity would be complemented by a subtle and light background.
The Portworx logo features a stylized, geometric letter 'S' abstracted to form a dynamic, three-dimensional shape. Using orange gradients with shadows, the design creates the impression of depth and dimension, transitioning from a darker tone on the left to a lighter tone on the right. This contrast generates a sense of forward movement and transformation. The twisting 'S' adds to the visual impact of the logo, resulting in a modern, minimalist design that would stand out well against a simple yet elegant background.