Memorial Services Logo Ideas

Find inspiring memorial services logo ideas from real companies. Explore a wide range of logo designs to inspire your own brand.

The Obit logo features a stylized, circular green element resembling a leafy branch, creating a sense of growth and renewal. The design is clean and modern, with the use of a vibrant shade of green that suggests environmental friendliness or a connection to nature. There is a clear emphasis on simplicity and organic shapes, leading to a spacious and welcoming visual feel. The clean lines within the design convey elegance and efficiency, making it likely suitable for a brand that identifies with ecological themes or sustainability.
The Enalta logo is a minimalist and modern design, featuring a stylized letter "e" in a rich brown color. Composed of two curved lines that create the impression of the letter, the top curve resembles a backwards "c" while the bottom curve completes the "e" with an open-ended appearance. The logo exudes a sense of fluidity and elegance, with the use of negative space enhancing its contemporary feel.