Outdoor Gear Logo Examples

Find inspiring outdoor gear logo examples from real companies. Explore a variety of outdoor gear logos for your brand. Get ideas for designing your own outdoor gear logo.

The Geckobrands logo is a bold, stylized, and modern design primarily in black. It comprises a single character that resembles the number '3' with a unique twist. The top portion of the '3' incorporates a shape that looks like a splash or a stylized handprint with three 'fingers' extending from the curve. This element gives the design a playful and creative flair. The overall aesthetic is simple yet impactful, with a clear focus on the contour and negative space. It's a logo that would stand well against minimal and clean backgrounds.
The logo for Marmot showcases a bold, red circular backdrop with a white lightning bolt or pulse line cutting across the center. The bolt follows a jagged, angular pattern, suggesting energy or activity. The contrasting red and white color scheme lends the logo a striking and noticeable appearance, indicative of power, electricity, or a dynamic service or product. Its minimalist style conveys a modern and sleek aesthetic.
The Alaska 1975 logo features a modern, abstract form with angular, geometric shapes in a dark, forest green color (#006B54). The non-symmetrical layout gives the logo a dynamic feel and a resemblance to an avant-garde representation of a plant or a tree. The design aesthetic is clean, bold, and contemporary, with negative space defining its shape.