Pharmaceutical Logo Examples

Find pharmaceutical logo examples to inspire your brand's identity. Explore a diverse collection of real pharmaceutical company logos for design ideas and inspiration.

The Harmonic Discovery logo features a symmetrical, abstract design with a central, horizontal, elongated, curved shape that creates an hourglass or bow-like appearance. Thin, uniform, black lines radiate from the central shape, resembling the spread wings of a butterfly or eye lashes. The consistent thickness and stark black against a plain white background give the logo a clean, modern, and sophisticated look.
The logo of Gardasil 9 features a stylized letter 'P' with a design that gives the illusion of three-dimensionality. It combines three distinct segments in a swirling pattern that converges into a circular shape in the center. The color scheme includes a bright and soft palette of sky blue, pale yellow, and a muted greenish-gray segment, with a smaller dark blue circle in the center, providing a visual anchor. The overall aesthetic is modern, playful, and approachable, with a clean and minimalist flair. The graphic elements are smooth, with curved lines that suggest motion and continuity.
The Curebase logo consists of an arrangement of circles creating a swirling effect around a central, larger circle. The circles are filled with shades of aqua or teal, conveying depth and movement. The color palette and white space between elements give it a modern and clean aesthetic. The logo has a scientific and organic feel, evoking motion, atoms, or a stylized galaxy. The cool tones of the logo make it ideal for a background color that complements without competing.