Power Logo Ideas
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The Varta logo is a stylized representation of an envelope formed by simple geometric shapes. It features a large blue rectangle as the base of the envelope and an inverted yellow triangle as the flap. The design is minimalist with bold color contrast, using flat colors without gradient or shadow for a modern and clean aesthetic. The rectangular shape conveys stability and reliability, while the bright yellow triangle adds a dynamic element, suggesting movement or opening, in a universally recognized motif associated with mail and communication.
The SEV Stromerzeuger logo showcases a stylized thunderbolt with an interplay of positive and negative space. It comprises an upper larger segment in a bright blue color and a lower smaller segment in a deep navy blue. The design is modern and dynamic, evoking movement and energy, with a sharp angle where the two segments meet contributing to a forward-driving impression. The overall design aesthetic is clean, featuring flat colors and no gradients, embodying a contemporary and professional look.