Stationery Logo Examples

Find stunning stationery logo examples from real companies. Get inspired by professional designs for your own stationery brand. Explore a wide range of stationery logo ideas for your business.

The image is a simplistic, stylized representation of a dragonfly. The Tombow logo features clean, curving lines that form the wings and an elongated body, all rendered in a solid, burgundy color. The wings are depicted with elegant, flowing curves that suggest movement, and their shape has a certain geometric symmetry. It has a modern and minimalist aesthetic, with no additional embellishment, allowing its straightforward and organic shapes to speak for themselves. This design would work well in various applications due to its versatility and visually appealing, uncomplicated form.
The logo for Routine Journal features a minimalist design with four circles and a curved line arranged to resemble a stylized letter "B" or bubbles being blown from a wand, with the curved line serving as the handle or trail. The monochromatic, solid black design with clean lines and clever use of negative space creates a modern and sleek aesthetic. The geometrically simple shapes come together to form a dynamic and visually captivating image.